EM-6600 Antenna, Ultra-Wideband, Omni-Directional, Passive | 1.3GHz-50GHz

The EM-6600 is an ultra-wideband, omni-directional antenna that offers exceptional performance across a broad frequency range
from 1.3 GHz to 50 GHz. This features a low VSWR and consistent gain across the whole band. This antenna is perfect for use in space-limited applications, mobile platforms, and environments where high-performance and compact size are essential in the L, S, C, and X bands.


Frequency Range: 1.3Ghz – 50Ghz
Polarization: Linear, Vertical
VSWR: < 2:1 Typical
3:1 Max
Radiation Pattern: Omnidirectional
Impedance: 50Ω, Nominal
Gain: 4.5dBi Nominal
Connector: 2.4mm


Height: 3″
Diameter: 2″
Mount Length: 2.15″
Mounting Options Available:
EM 6600 mount included
Color Options:
• Black (default)
• Custom colors available upon request

Data Sheets

EM-6600 Datasheet